hey there!

I'm Brianne Massman

As a Certified Health & Wellness Coach and Consultant, I'm committed to empowering individuals and supporting businesses. Get ready to embrace wellness, regain control, and step into your full potential.

Your transformative journey starts now!

hey there!

I'm Brianne Massman

As a Certified Health & Wellness Coach and Consultant, I'm committed to empowering individuals and supporting businesses. Get ready to embrace wellness, regain control, and step into your full potential.

Your transformative journey starts now!

learn how...

To be your Healthiest & Happiest at Every Age!

When we learn how to balance all the moving parts in our life AND set boundaries at the same time, then we can FINALLY feel the focus, freedom, & fun in our life that we've been yearning for.

learn how...

To be your Healthiest & Happiest at Every Age!

When we learn how to balance all the moving parts in our life AND set boundaries at the same time, then we can FINALLY feel the focus, freedom, & fun in our life that we've been yearning for.


My whole life, I've been passionate about health and wellness. After losing my mom to cancer when I was 17 and a brother to suicide, my drive to help others feel happier, more confident, and healthier in mind and body, only grew.

I help busy women like you take a leap to find balance, find boundaries, and find yourself. You'll find transformation where your health and wellness have suffered, you'll boost your happiness, and you will live your life to the fullest.

I also know that the workplace is a huge part of people's lives, and I am committed to helping businesses boost their culture by bringing programs and training that will support their employees both at work and at home. I'll focus on wellness, provide soft skills training, and even bring in some fun! Your plate is full, so I will help bring to life the wellness, training, or program ideas that you've had on your 'to-do' list.

Employees are happier, more productive, and will enjoy a more positive team culture. When the employees feel valued, everybody wins.

Where you doubt, I believe.

It's time to feel more in control and gain belief in yourself.


tired of feeling like this?

  • Out of balance and without any boundaries

  • Frustrated you keep reverting back to old, bad habits

  • Lacking confidence in how you look and feel

  • Tired and worn out

  • Each day is the same, you lack clarity, focus and purpose

  • But you know there is potential to be healthier & happier!


i'll help you master

  • Balance your life and set healthy boundaries

  • Lock in healthier habits - fitness, nutrition, sleep and more

  • Feel confident in how you look and feel

  • Increase self-compassion and self-esteem

  • Boost your energy to new levels

  • Find focus in actions, clarity in your purpose, & fulfilled in life

  • You'll be healthier and happier...your best life awaits


tired of feeling like this?

  • Out of balance and without any boundaries

  • Frustrated you keep reverting back to old, bad habits

  • Lacking confidence in how you look and feel

  • Tired and worn out

  • Each day is the same, you lack clarity, focus and purpose

  • But you know there is potential to be healthier & happier!


i'll help you master

  • Balance your life and set healthy boundaries

  • Lock in healthier habits - fitness, nutrition, sleep and more

  • Feel confident in how you look and feel

  • Increase self-compassion and self-esteem

  • Boost your energy to new levels

  • Find focus in actions, clarity in your purpose, & fulfilled in life

  • You'll be healthier and happier...your best life awaits

what if...

  • You improved your sleep and finally found energy...

  • You moved your body freely and ate nutritious food to fuel you...

  • You loved yourself again...

  • You felt focused, clarity, and confident in the choices you make

  • You said, "NO", and it felt good...

  • You finally felt like you had momentum and life was going your way...

  • You were finally living fully ALIVE!

what if...

  • You improved your sleep and finally found energy...

  • You moved your body freely and ate nutritious food to fuel you...

  • You loved yourself again...

  • You felt focused, clarity, and confident in the choices you make

  • You said, "NO", and it felt good...

  • You finally felt like you had momentum and life was going your way...

  • You were finally living fully ALIVE!

here's how we do it... The 4 B's


the areas that contribute to you living your best life: sleep, fitness, food, mindset, confidence.


all of these areas out - a lopsided wheel won't roll right.


are set so you don't get hyperfocused on one area AND so you don't let others dictate and diminish your drive.


the changes you've made by embracing who you are and use your story to help others.

here's how we do it...

The 4 B's


the areas that contribute to you living your best life: sleep, fitness, food, mindset, confidence.


all of these areas out - a lopsided wheel won't roll right.


are set so you don't get hyperfocused on one area AND so you don't let others dictate and diminish your drive.


the changes you've made by embracing who you are and use your story to help others.

Your Health & Wellness Matter

Live With Passion & Purpose

I help you peel away distractions, gain confidence, dial in your fitness & nutrition and finally live the life you've been yearning for.

1:1 coaching

Ready for a happier, healthier life?

In my 1-On-1 Coaching, we address what's holding you back. Together, we find equilibrium in all facets of your life, from the apparent to the unseen.

We'll assess your current wellness state across ten areas, carve out your wellness goals, and map small, feasible changes to reach them. The real magic? Witnessing how these tiny tweaks ripple into other life areas, creating a cascade of positive effects!

I can talk on and on about self-care and the power of minor life changes, but let's cut to the chase - it's time for ACTION!

If these words hit home, why not try a FREE 30-minute Consult Call? Let's see if we're a match made in wellness heaven.

Ready for that nudge you've been yearning for? I'm here, ready and waiting. All you need to do is ask!

business consulting

Want a healthier workplace?

As a health and wellness consultant with 20 years of experience, I offer tailor-made wellness programs.

I cater to your organization's unique needs across nutrition, fitness, stress management, and mental well-being.

Concerned about flexibility? I provide one-time or recurring, group or individual coaching, either virtually or in-person. With a focus on sustainable lifestyle changes, my goal is to boost your organization's culture of well-being and growth.

Remember, this isn't just about healthier employees; it's about fueling a more successful organization overall. If this resonates with you, it's time for ACTION!

Ready to make your workspace a powerhouse of vitality? Book a call and let's start your wellness journey.


Private Health & Wellness Coaching

"Brianne has been super supportive during our time coaching together. I look forward to our weekly meetings, even during the very stressful part of the year. Her program keeps my mission and my “why” squarely in front of me and helps me refocus every day. She has positively impacted my life, both family and professional relationships. I am very grateful to have found her just 5 weeks ago!"


Business Health & Wellness Consulting

"I wanted to take a few minutes and thank Brianne Massman for being willing to come and share her talents with the team at Northwood Vet Service. She has been great in helping our team, work through group workplace missions and goals, as well as personal goals. We have some amazing people as part of our crew, and I want them all to be as happy and productive as they can be, at home, at work, at living their best lives and Brianne Massman has helped us reach the tip of the iceberg. We continue to have her come and help energize and give the team a place to start. If you are missing drive or you need someone to help you collect your thoughts and find direction, or you have a team/staff that you think would benefit, I enthusiastically recommend.

She is a positive, compassionate, empathetic person who gives so much of her life to help others find drive, strength, and self-love. Thank you, Brianne for all you have done and are continuing to do for me and the team at Northwood Vet Service!"

Dr. Jaime at Northwood Vet Service, BRF, WI

get my free guide

10 Tips to Feel More Alive

You have ONE life to live - you better start now.

Start living life with more energy, spirit, fullfillment, purpose, direction, connection and clarity!

get my free guide

10 Tips to Feel More Alive

You have ONE life to live - you better start now. Start living life with more energy, spirit, fullfillment, purpose, direction, connection and clarity!

Ready to Level-Up Your Wellness?

Are you serious about making a change in your life? 1:1 Coaching will take you to the next level and you'll discover new results!

Ready to Level-Up

Your Wellness?

Are you serious about making a change in your life? 1:1 Coaching will take you to the next level and you'll discover new results!


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